The Council Grove Republican and our Council Grove Area Trade & Tourism Association have a great working relationship. They put out this wonderful daily paper that gives us insight, news, and helps us to feel connected to our community. And, I am fortunate to be able to contribute *almost* weekly to that effort.
For this space to talk to all of you, I am so very grateful.
Along with my articles, you will notice the bar on the right-hand side. The Republican staff pulls events from our website :, to populate this section. Our hope is that our residents that don’t/won’t use the internet will have the same access to our community happenings as those that are frequent surfers of the web.
We work hard to get as many events on this calendar as possible, but we need your help!
If you are involved in a community organization and are putting on an event that you could use help publicizing, this is your opportunity, and it is 100% free!
Ideas are popping into your head right now; I can feel it!
There is one catch. If you would like your event displayed on then we need all of the following from you—every single bit. We can’t post an event without the complete picture, so take notes, cut this out, or snap a picture with your phone, because here is what we must have . . .
*Required Information :
*Organization / Business Name
*Date and Time
*Location of Event
*Brief Description
Optional Information :
Any links you may have to online information/registration.
A corresponding graphic/image/picture/flyer/poster. If you do not have this, we will use something in keeping with the theme of your event, but it will be our choice. So if you like control, then we need you to provide this.
You can email this to or drop it off or mail it to our DESTINATION : Council Grove office at 116 West Main Street, Council Grove, KS 66846
Once we receive these details, it takes about 24-72 hours to upload them. And remember, the sooner, the better. The longer your event lives on our website, the more it is seen. Sorry, but we will not upload events that are less than one week away.
And remember, the bonus of passing the events along for our website . . . they also get posted here, in the Council Grove Republican!
Members that have joined our Association at the Bronze Level and higher are also entitled to help with flyer creation. You supply us with the content, and we’ll twirl together a flyer to catch everyone’s attention. Up to 3 flyers a year! We just completed one for the Morris County Historical Society’s April 15th program on The Kansas City Monarchs & America’s National Pastime in Dunlap, and we’re pleased as punch with how it turned out! Look for details on this event coming soon!
So tell us what’s happening in your circles. So we can tell everyone else, here and on!